Bus Stop Weather SHELTON



There is a lot happening with days off and early dismissals. If you'd like to sync Sunnyside calendar to your phone's calendar to get automatic notices and updates, please follow these prompts:

 Everything you see on Sunnyside calendar will automatically sync to your phone, including events, PTO meetings, parent-teacher conferences, closed days, early dismissal and more! You just need to log-in with your credentials. Likewise you can download our app "Membership Toolkit" and sync your calendar via the app.





 Purchase Tickets for Sweetheart Dance here

Sign up to volunteer at the dance





Welcome to the website for Sunnyside Elementary PTO! 


Here you can join and support the PTO, keep informed about daily news, fundraising events and opportunities to volunteer in our school. New members as well as existing are encouraged to use this website as a tool and guide to keep informed about special events within the school. 


Check back frequently to see what's going on with your Tigers! We will update the site regularly with upcoming PTO events.  Please register to build up our directory and get "insider" information.



Be a CHAMPION for your child
in 2 easy steps!


We will keep you in-the-know with our newsletters, include your family in the directory, see opportunities to get spirit wear, volunteer, and complete any paperwork - all online in one spot. Our goal is to save time, and work together with families more smoothly!


Our PTO’s mission is to advocate for our children and provide outstanding programs that empower our community. Become a member today - we can't do it without you!


You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.

NEXT PTO Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday February 11th at 6.30pm for a REMOTE PTO meeting to find out what we have planned for the year and meet other Sunnyside parents! All are welcome to attend, come once, monthly or anytime that works for you throughout the year. We'd love to have your voice on our team!



Sunnyside PTO Meeting
Tuesday, February 11 · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cxr-gmgk-cvt


Join in and see what we have in store to start out the new year, stay informed about school activities and GET INVOLVED. 



Your membership and time are an integral part of the support

for our programs.


We cannot do it without you!